February 21, 2015

My Swanson moment...

I had a Ron Swanson moment.

I was trying to upload pictures to my last blog entry, and ended up uploading every single one of my pictures on my computer to google's version of "the cloud." I thought, No big deal, I guess if my computer dies, my pictures will at least be saved. 

But that wasn't quite the end.

My phone (which is apparently way smarter than I realized) started sending me random slide shows of my pictures. And not just any kind of slide show. Very specific slide shows, with titles, correct names of towns where the pictures were taken, and the correct sequence of the pictures that were taken.

The first one was kinda neat, the second one was a little intrusive. But the third one was down right creepy. So the only solution to me was to delete my google account and erase all my pictures I had uploaded. Enter Ron Swanson.

In my haste to preserve my privacy, apparently I deleted all my pictures from my blog. I don't really know what to do.  I could spend my time trying to find those pictures again and upload them again, or I could just forget about it.

Also ended up deleting all the picture from my phone. Like the ones I took when my friend that lives hundreds of miles away in Philly came to visit me. Confounded technology.

Maybe one day when I have absolutely nothing else to do, I'll take the time to try and re-upload the pictures to my blog. Today is not that day.

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