February 6, 2012

Foolishness of God...

Hello. My name is Allie. I am an over-analyzer. 

Hi Allie…
You name it, I've over-analyzed it. I hear this is a problem with many people, and I've over-analyzed whether they experience it as bad as me, because our problems are never experienced by anyone else in the entire world. Ever.

Yeah, right. 

Back to reality…

So I over-analyze. What's the worst that could happen? Some sleepless nights? A few headaches? Doubts about my entire existence? It gets pretty serious, pretty quickly. 

Then God enters the picture. As I write this an instrumental version of "In The Arms of the Angel" is playing over my George Winston Pandora station, and not that I imagine a guardian angel watching over me, but rather I am reminded of an even greater Being holding me in His arms…my ever-loving, eternal, heavenly Father. He promises that He hems me in, behind and before me, that He lays His hand upon me (see Psalm 139). He never lets go.

This is why my life appears to be….wrong. This is why I live a seemingly backwards life.  This is why the advice of the world doesn't usually help me.

This is why I was so comforted by God's Word today. 1 Corinthians 1:25 reads, "Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men."

Wait, what?


What appears to the world to be foolish is actually genius, and what appears to be weak will break the most powerful stronghold. 

Thats the God we serve.  

Someone recently said to me, after seeing God at work in her life, "What just happened?"

He doesn't make sense…to the world. He doesn't play by the rules….of the world. He loves those who are unloveable. He comforts those who have no shoulder to cry on.  He uses people like me to share His gospel and show His love….and that is the most confusing thing about Him. 

Thats when faith comes into play.

Its more than believing in something you can't see, its more than trusting a situation will work out in the end….its believing I am redeemable. Its trusting God that I am usable. Its living out that belief every day. Its telling myself "I can do it!" because I have God, and greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).

That which appears foolish is wise, and that which appears weak is strong. Let it blow your mind.  Let it change your life. Let it lead you where He wants you to be.

Let's live a backwards life. Let's confuse the world.

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