October 14, 2015

Oprah's... er... Allie's Favorite Things...

I need a perspective change.

I feel this blog has had a fairly negative feel recently, and that's because my perspective has been mostly negative of late. (also, everyone should always say "of late" rather than "lately"... its just better).

Rather than get swallowed up by my pessimism, its time for a thankful list. Lets all join in a chorus of "These are a few of my favorite things!"

Because when the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad, I simply remember my favorite things and then I don't feel so bad.

So in no particular order, here goes nothing:

My blanket from my Mom-Mom.
My scarves.
My tardis phone case.
Pictures of my friends and family scattered about my room.
Fall weather!
My roommate's treadmill.
Phone calls.
Having a home church.
Knowing how to use a professional espresso machine.
My bangs.
High heeled shoes.
My ankle pants that make me feel like Audrey Hepburn.
Chocolate chip pumpkin bread.
Free lunch at staff meetings.
Trader Joe's Orange Chicken.
Big rings.
Maxi skirts that are long enough.
My Bible that is falling apart (almost lost Revelation earlier today...).
Books! (how did it take me this long before I wrote that?!)
The park that is in walking distance of my house.
Being an East-coaster.
Driving stick.
Watching British television, then thinking with an accent.
Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
Living 10 minutes from a family member.
Sharing a big bowl of popcorn with someone.
"Good Mythical Morning."
Lord of the Rings.
A roommate that talks to me.
My journals.
Star gazing.
Finding satellites when star gazing.
Big cities.
Art museums.
Taking a train somewhere.
The beach.
The woods.
Watching previews at the movies.
The smell of onions and garlic cooking in butter on the stove.
A bowl of cereal.
Cooking for people.
Book fairs/sales/stores.
Food trucks.
Worshipping and not caring what you look like.
Fixing things on my car.
Youth retreats.
Going to a new restaurant with someone that has already been there.
Taco Bell.
The bead aisle at Hobby Lobby.
Staying up late.
Road trips.

"These are a few of my favorite things...."

You get a car, and you get a car, and you get a car!

Get it? Favorite things? I probably could have set that joke up better, but its late. I like staying up late, but didn't say that I was always cohesive...coherent...some c-word that I may or may not be able to come up with. That reminds me of the time that I shared a room with my sister, and I had the bottom bunk. The cat used to sleep up on Brittany's bunk, and we never knew how she got up there or how she got down. One night, I knew how she got down. I woke to what I thought was death, but was really the cat landing on my stomach after jumping down off of the top bunk (our bunk beds were in an "L" shape, perpendicular to one another, not parallel...). I screamed in my fright, and my mom ran into the room. I explained to her that Gracie had jumped on me, and my mom answered with "What?" I said again "Gracie jumped on me." My mom said I wasn't making sense and should go back to bed. I, now frustrated as to why she wasn't understanding me, yelled louder "Gracie jumped on me!" Mom again answered with "You're not making sense, just go to bed." The next morning I asked my mom why she wasn't understanding me, and she said "All you kept saying was, 'Gracie has a shoe!' over and over again."

So yeah, not always coherent (is that the right word) at this time of night. But who cares. I don't stay up for other people, I stay up for me. Its just so wonderfully quite late at night.

Positive story from the day: asking someone for a "real" hug, and getting a good, long, sincere one.

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