April 8, 2015

Banner has awakened...

I forgot that I updated my blog and when I logged on I was terribly confused for half a millisecond. I took a break from blogging because I had to focus on surviving. The month of March and I have an interesting relationship. The ups and downs of the temperature are somehow linked to my emotions, and I usually end up blocking most of the month out. So every time March rolls around again, I have no idea what's going on until I look at the calendar, see how far I've come since that dreaded winter solstice and realize winter is actually almost done and my emotional hell with it.

Then enter April, and I feel like the Incredible Hulk when he's just turned back into Bruce Banner...dazed, confused, a little sore from destroying everything in his path, thankful to have "returned," and hopeful about all the things he can get done now that he's in a better state of mind.

So let's get crackin'!

This month is providing ample opportunities for me to experience joy...sweet its-about-freaking-time joy.

My parents came to visit me for the Easter weekend, and we spent most of it eating and reminiscing, so what could possibly be bad about that? Coupled with the celebration of our resurrected Savior?? It was a great weekend.

This coming weekend I will be able to not only visit home and see my friends and family, but I will have the privilege of seeing two very dear friends of mine marry each other. And after my emotional breakdown of seeing so much happiness happen at once with so many of my dearest friends in the same room, the celebratory dance party that will take place afterwards will be the perfect way for me to let out all of my emotional energy.

Non-existant dancing skills + the excitement levels of a post-seasonally depressed hyper extroverted introvert = nothing but good times.

Also, before I get to come home for the marital festivities, I will get to throw my 2nd STARS party for the year. We have rented out the local skating rink, we've collected the permission slips, we've scavenged for free food and snacks wherever we could, and we are ready to party! We're actually combining this event with the other mentoring program in my department, the GIFT program which provides mentors for 8th grade girls, so we think there will be about 100 people in attendance, which blows my Happy Hallow-Thanks-Mas attendance clear out of the water! (Sidenote: I am still super proud of that party, not only in my creative title, but in the fact that my minion costume was such a hit and I could wear it while also eating turkeys made out of Oreos and candy corn while watching a Christmas movie voiced my James McAvoy.) These parties always remind me why I do what I do. I don't have to lead a discussion, I don't have to teach a lesson, I don't have to ration out snacks. I can just hang out with my girls, act like a middle schooler for a couple hours, and make huge strides in building relationships with these students. I canNOT wait!

That's not even all that's happening this month, and instead of writing it all down, I'm going to wait so that I will have to blog again later this month. I really want to make this a habit so that I can keep people in the loop as to what's going on in my life.

Do you know its been 2 years since I first came out here to take this job? Two years of long distance relationships really begins to wear on a person. Two years of feeling like I've just moved, 2 years of not really feeling "at home." Was listening to one of my favorite bands the other day, and this song so perfectly exemplifies how I feel so often out here.

"But you know me too well. I bring it all on myself. Between heaven and hell, I've got no home." Then beginning at 2:04, one of the best instrumental portions of any song ever, especially when played ridiculously loud in the car on the way home from a long day at work. "We wait for love to call us home."

I'm reminded more and more that this just isn't my final destination, and thank God Almighty it isn't. I am waiting for Love to call me home, and until then, I'm doing what He's giving me to do here. And if one of the things He's giving me to do is wait, to be complete in Him by learning patience (James 1:4 anybody??) then I guess that's what I'm going to do.

Looking forward to my long drive in a couple days, and not just because of my obsession with audio books, but so I can spend some quality time basking in the blessings that God is giving me. Weddings, a family that welcomes me home, friends that know me and still love me, and an eternity before me. Who knows what coming up next, but God will certainly not disappoint.

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