April 4, 2012

God, Cover Me...

Why is it socially unacceptable to speak the truth in every situation?

Why is it socially acceptable to lie to everyone's faces?

Why are there repercussions for truth-telling?

There are obviously repercussions for telling lies, but everyone knows thats only true for politicians that get caught (keyword being 'caught') or children who sneak candy when they've been told not to.

No wonder everyone who lived in this society hated Jesus when He walked the earth. No wonder so many people still don't care for him. He spoke the truth.

I can't say what I know I must say because I'm afraid of the repercussions, and then I actually have more to deal with emotionally when I don't speak my mind. Oh, that I could empty my mind and start over, without the negative effects of the world. Without social norms dictating my thoughts. Without society, one thats broken and fallen and selfish, forcing my viewpoint to bend a certain way. Without claims of hypocrisy--when did I ever say I was perfect? 

Oh God, how did You ever walk among the people you created, the same ones that have denied your existence and claimed all of your works, how did You do it? People may claim that if they were in Your place, they would have been violent, or would have yelled and proved their power. I would have cried. I would have weeped. I would have given up. I would never have tried to create anything again. I would have felt so discouraged. I can't even fathom that pain….

But You didn't. You made a way for every single one of us to spend eternity with You. 

You are stronger
You are stronger
Sin is broken
You have saved me.

Thank goodness those lyrics are true. He is stronger than us. Than anyone. He created strength. He is strength. He did the unthinkable and not only forgave us, but took our place in His own system of judgement. Who does that?

My Jesus does. Waiting for that day when I will actually be standing in front of Him, complete, is getting harder and harder. There was a time when eternity scared me, and still does if I think about it too hard. But thats because the only life I know, we all know, is this horrible one. Where people hurt each other. Where people steal, maim, kill, torture, abuse each other. 

This new life will be in the direct presence of God. God…our Father, Creator, King. 

I must try harder to bring that Kingdom to this earth. I must. We all must. 

God, cover me….I'm going in.

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