August 11, 2015

I blogged...

So...I'm sure you're all wondering how my summer has gone. Did I achieve my goals? Did I go to the beach? I'm sure you've been dying to know. Well, no and yes. The tan I'm carrying around proves I definitely went to the beach, but life has a way of doing exactly the opposite of what we think it will do, and then adds some chaos and a sprinkle of confusion into the mix.

Overall, it was a wonderful summer. It felt as though I received two months of constant affirmation. Affirmation of who I am as a child of God, affirmation that I am capable, affirmation that I have something to bring to the table. I was in desperate need of it after a year of living with someone who ignored my existence and created an atmosphere of apathy and indifference (towards me and life in general). After ten months, that can take one heck of a toll on a person. So retreating to NJ to be surrounded by friends who appreciated me, family who loves me through my imperfections ( hard as it is to believe, I am not perfect...) was affirming and healing.

I worked on a couple projects...

sorting plastic bags to be turned into plarn...
having to resort plastic bags to be turned into plarn...

As well as this...
A cork board made from a yard-sale-purchased frame and
corks collected from 8 months of working in a restaurant.

My running plans were altered when I burned my ankle while cooking one night (you may have thought it wasn't possible to burn one's ankle while cooking...let me assure you, it is) so putting sneakers on was impossible for a few weeks.

And days upon days were spent lying on the sandy beach, reading and napping, and this is officially the tannest I will ever be in my life. When I got back to work, one of my coworkers (now my favorite coworker...) described me as "brown." Take that Irish ancestry!

And now, I'm back in Ohio. I've been at work 2 days, and God is doing something. I don't understand what is it yet, but it is definitely something. There were quite a few changes at the office over the summer, and I'm not sure how I feel about them yet. And that's about as much as I can go into it right now. 

Here's to yet another season of trusting God because I have no idea what's really going on. 

Positive story of the day: I blogged.

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