August 18, 2015

He Loves Me, This I Know...

So I was looking through some files on my computer searching for something in particular and came across this, titled "He Loves Me, This I Know," written back in 2010. I read it and was such an encouraging reminder to me, so instead of coming with up new words right now, I want you to just read these old ones:

How do we know anything? What is this world? Why do we have conversations about whats on TV, who's a Christian, and what's for dinner with the same blazay sort of attitude? What is meaningful anymore? What are we living for? Why do we continue living this life unless it's for something greater? THere's an entire world out there, suffering, being eaten alive by satan and he's growing fatter and fatter. We are sucked into his ploys, into his distractions, and are consumed before we realize he's even after us.  We must be strong in who we are--and who are we? We are children of God, the Most High. He created the world and has the power to do anything, and He takes the time to love us and care for us and look over us as we sleep, as we laugh with friends, in our weakest moments and in our strongest moments. He says "Oh Allie, I have searched you and known you. I know your sitting down and your rising up, I understand your thoughts afar off. I comprehend your path and your lying down. I am acquainted with all your ways. for there is not a word on your tongue, but behold, Allie, I know it altogether. I have hedged you behind and before. And laid my hand upon you. Such knowledge is too wonderful for you, it is high, and you cannot attain it. Where can you go from My spirit? Or where can you flee from my presence? If you ascend into heaven, I am there, if you make your bed in hell, behold, I am there. If you take the winds of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost part of the sea, even there My hand shall lead you and My right hand shall hold you. If you say surely the darkness shall fall on me, even the night shall be light about you. Indeed the darkness shall not hide from Me, but the night shines as the day, the darkness and the light are both alike to Me. For I formed your inward parts, I covered you in your mothers womb. You will praise Me for you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are My works and that your soul knows very well. Your frame was not hidden from Me, when you were made in secret. And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the heart. My eyes saw your substance being yet unformed. And in my book they all were written, the days fashioned for you, when as yet there were none of them.

After all that, how can we do anything but spend our entire existence praising Him? And what does praising Him look like? He made me a certain way, and by living the way He's made me, I am praising Him. By loving those He wants me to love, I am praising Him. By acknowledging that I am a piece of dirt that has been rescued by Him and turned into a glorious piece of artwork, I am praising him. So I will work for Him because He is my Savior. My King, my Father. My God. He's the One that loves me more than any one else ever could or ever will, all before I even did anything for Him or even acknowledged his existence. Once I met him and told Him I loved him, I could never do anything to make Him love me any less. Do you know anyone like that? I certainly don't. I don't even love myself enough to keep going. I let myself down all the time and disappoint myself more than anyone else I know. But God will never be disappointed in me. He wants me to do great things, but only so I can glorify Him and point all of it back to Him "for God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love, which you have shown towards His name, in that you have ministered to the saints and do minister. " That is someone I want to love and devote my life to, someone who will never ever ever ever ever forget anything I've done for Him, and knows to expect that I will do more. He believes in me and knows I will do great things. He loves me unconditionally however….even though He knows I will do great things His love does not depend on whether I fulfill any of that. 

Its pretty cool to be encouraged by yourself, especially when you don't really remember saying/typing any of're just so amazed at how well this advice speaks to your soul!

So that's what I need to be reminded of...God knows me and loves me, and my life needs to be spent in devotion towards Him.

August 11, 2015

I blogged...

So...I'm sure you're all wondering how my summer has gone. Did I achieve my goals? Did I go to the beach? I'm sure you've been dying to know. Well, no and yes. The tan I'm carrying around proves I definitely went to the beach, but life has a way of doing exactly the opposite of what we think it will do, and then adds some chaos and a sprinkle of confusion into the mix.

Overall, it was a wonderful summer. It felt as though I received two months of constant affirmation. Affirmation of who I am as a child of God, affirmation that I am capable, affirmation that I have something to bring to the table. I was in desperate need of it after a year of living with someone who ignored my existence and created an atmosphere of apathy and indifference (towards me and life in general). After ten months, that can take one heck of a toll on a person. So retreating to NJ to be surrounded by friends who appreciated me, family who loves me through my imperfections ( hard as it is to believe, I am not perfect...) was affirming and healing.

I worked on a couple projects...

sorting plastic bags to be turned into plarn...
having to resort plastic bags to be turned into plarn...

As well as this...
A cork board made from a yard-sale-purchased frame and
corks collected from 8 months of working in a restaurant.

My running plans were altered when I burned my ankle while cooking one night (you may have thought it wasn't possible to burn one's ankle while cooking...let me assure you, it is) so putting sneakers on was impossible for a few weeks.

And days upon days were spent lying on the sandy beach, reading and napping, and this is officially the tannest I will ever be in my life. When I got back to work, one of my coworkers (now my favorite coworker...) described me as "brown." Take that Irish ancestry!

And now, I'm back in Ohio. I've been at work 2 days, and God is doing something. I don't understand what is it yet, but it is definitely something. There were quite a few changes at the office over the summer, and I'm not sure how I feel about them yet. And that's about as much as I can go into it right now. 

Here's to yet another season of trusting God because I have no idea what's really going on. 

Positive story of the day: I blogged.