January 10, 2014

Not-so-plain Jane...

So I haven't blogged in a while...I know this. Still not really feeling any deep inspiration to delve (is that even a word?) into the past few weeks of my life. Its been a little messy recently, and I don't feel like hashing things out.

So instead, I'm going to tell you about this super awesome book/journal thing I have.

I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine, you may have heard of her...

Say hello to Jane.

(Side note: You will be my friend forever if you can
tell me what the furry white thing in the background is)
What each page looks like....
Every night before I go to bed, I spend a few minutes with my friend. She's always much wiser than I am, and so much more atriculatory than I can be (maybe not as creative with words though...).

She give me a little glimpse into her life, and encourages me with her observations on humanity. She never takes people too seriously, and can always find joy in the mundane and ordinary.

She's been quite a comfort to me lately, especially since everything in my life seems to keep shifting and changing. She always stays the same, and her advice spans across generations and it is just as applicable today as it was when she wrote it years ago.

I find comfort in the fact that she, too, is very entertained by people and their oddities. She finds the proud amusing, the "poor" enlightening, and the ordinary extraordinary.

It's so great to get a little bit of that each night.

Now what I don't want you to think is that this is my new Bible or anything....I know the the ultimate  stability in my life is Jesus, and I am definitely tighter with Jesus that I am with Jane. But she's been a great does of reality and humor in my life right now, and I'm loving the time we spend together. 

As long as I don't get quite as bad as the character in this movie (though her quote on fictional men is truth...preach it sister!)...no cardboard cutouts of Mr. Darcy are in my house (...yet...).

Remember that time Jane said, "The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid"? Tell us how you really feel, Jane....

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