October 21, 2013

Bullets, Newness, and Special Days...

First things first.

Is there any other way? Who ever says "eighth things first...." Anyways....

Today is a very important day. There are a few times in my life where I can be all thoughtful and introspective and emo and think about why I'm really here and all the events that had to happen in order for me to exist.

For instance, if my parents had been so pleased with my older sister's presence, they would never have the need to try again for a better daughter with me (haha, just kidding Katie). Another noted moment in the history of my existence is when a certain enamored employee of Good Housekeeping made "moose noises" from his office space in the direction of another employee of GH (or at least, that's how she described them...). So obviously (because I mean, who could turn down a good moose call?), love was in the air and they couldn't help but get married.

But before any of that occurred, both of those people had to be in existence themselves.

And today we are celebrating one of those existences. Today is my mommy's birthday.

The beginning of this post may sound a little self-centered, but I mean, do we all thank our parents enough for existing simply because we would know nothing of anything without them bringing us into this world. Even as messed up as it is, I am so thankful to be alive and that wouldn't be possible without my parents being alive.

I honestly can say I don't know what I would do without my mom.

A quick list of "Favorite Mommy Moments":

  • In college, her sending me one of the scarves I forgot, after having worn it, so it smelled like her.
  • Her flying out to visit me when I lived in the Keys and me swerving and almost hitting someone in her rental car to drive us through a development to look at Christmas lights.
  • Convincing her to watch the first episode of LOST with me...and then her becoming an obsessed fan.
  • Her making breakfast for dinner whenever our dad was away on business trips (particularly her pancakes...those were usually Dad's specialties, so it was really special when she made them).
  • Her calling out "Hold on to your drinks, I'm whipping!!" after leaving a fast-food restaurant.
  • Her standing at the corner and waving when we left for school on the bus...and then her staying home when I asked her to because it always made me cry seeing her standing there waving.
  • Touring Ernest Hemingway's house with one of the strangest tour guides ever and then calling Dad and Brittany so they could watch us on the Hemingway Cat Cam.
  • When she was the only mom (aka best mom ever) to attend my high school Fashion Merchandising class fashion show.
  • Going to a Coldplay concert together and standing under the stadium while waiting for the thunderstorm to pass.
  • Watching a TV show together...over the phone...syncing our Netflix accounts by pausing and restarting them until the sound matches. We're just hardcore community TV show watchers...don't be hatin'.
I could probably go on forever, but we'll stop there.

I love you, Mommy. Happy Birthday!!

And on to other updates....

Let's play a game. Its sort of like two truths and a lie. I will list things and you have to guess which one is the made up one (apparently I'm really into bulleting things tonight...):

  • I bought a new car.
  • I had to get glasses.
  • I visited friends in Virginia last weekend and almost died on a winding, mountain pass.
  • I have a crazy obsession with the Hunger Games now.
  • I had to live without a stove/oven for 2 weeks.
  • I'll be going camping in a couple weeks.
  • I learned to drive a stick shift.
  • I will finally be starting STARS this week in two schools.
Ok, so which one is fake? Any guesses??

I'll tell you....none of them. My life's just jam-packed with all sorts of newness.

My new car is a Saturn Vue (stick shift!), I have glasses to see anything thats farther than a book or computer screen, a flippin' cat ran out in front of a car that was in front of us when we were driving through this treacherous mountain pass and he slammed on his brakes and we almost hit him, I am OBSESSED with the Hunger Games and have been listening to them when commuting back and forth from work, my landlord decided to rip out our stove before she had the new one to put in, I will be roughing it in the wilderness with my college roommate Faith in a couple weeks when we drive towards each other and meet in the middle which will be about an hour east of Pittsburg, and STARS will finally be starting this week!

There's your update.

Quite a few other things have also transpired, and I will update you on those later as well. I'm running out of time before I have to get to BSF (if you don't know what that is, look it up here and find one near you and go!).

That should keep you for a bit though. Thanks for bearing with me as I figure out this whole blogging thing. Sometimes I don't want to have to sit and think about life too much. But I know its good for me when I do, so I will try harder to get things down here.

Remember that time I sat in a Wendy's and blogged and ate dinner for 4 bucks? It was a good time...

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