May 9, 2015

Goals, Spazzing, and Perfection...

I have several goals this summer...

To actually make a habit out of blogging so that I don't run into the dilemma of choosing which 5 events to blog about first when all of them seem so long ago that it doesn't seem worth it to recall the information creatively enough to blog about it.

To get back up to my normal running distance, as well as not look like this when I spit while running...

To read, read, and read, especially since my recent visit to the Hunterdon County Book Fair :)

several of the new additions to my personal library, minus those I
already packed to bring back to Ohio with me...
To spend lots of time with the people I love.

To craft my little heart out.

To take a much needed break from the world of sex education (although my brain is most likely permanently in the gutter, as well as armed and ready to argue--to the death!--about the inappropriateness of our culture with lots of statistics, articles, and personal opinion...).

And to get my beach on!!

I never knew how difficult it would be living in an area where going to the beach just isn't an option. Where its rare for people to have even gone to a beach or swam (swum? swimmed? been in a state of swimosity?) in the ocean. The struggle is real, everyone.

It has been a crazy time at work. We officially ended the STARS program a couple weeks ago, and I will really miss these girls I've gotten to know over the year. My volunteer leaders build relationships with them through their small grou discussions every week, but it usually takes them until about March to really open up with me (the big, scary adult who teaches them...). So it always feels like I'm just finally getting to know them on a personal level when the program has ended and they're hugging my goodbye (and giving me coffee gift cards!! Obvs they're my favorites now). Here are some of the photos from the last week of STARS:

Because the "funny" pictures are always better... and check out the awesome poster they made me!!
They all signed it, and whenever I stare at it reading all of their message,
the rest of the world is a bright shade of pink when I look away from it...
Again, always go with the ridiculous picture...
...especially when the fact that you smacked one of your girls in the face because you're a spaz is captured on film.
This one always gave the sweetest hugs...even though I'm literally kneeling on the floor
in this picturewhile she is standing up...which didn't make for awkward hugs in the slightest....
Also, 6th graders are really really REALLY into photo bombing. I think at least 2 tried
jumping in front of us while we tried to capture this one moment.
Another one of my dear sweethearts. Going to miss them all so much, and I mean that very sincerely.
These girls were huge blessings to me. Headaches on several occasions, but overall, blessings.

Oh so to update from my last blog, going home for the wedding of two of my dear friends was just wonderful (especially after I found out one of my gifts was one of the favorites! For the win. Don't even care if I've just offended someone who thought their gift was awesome. It wasn't as awesome as mine. Deal with it.) I cried way more than I realized I would, not just because it was a wedding and I'm female, but listening to the pastor describe who my friends were and why they so deserved this blessing just threw me over the edge into all sorts of feels. Its wonderful when you can just delight in the fact that you're friends are blessed, weddings rock. Especially the dance parties afterwards!

And yes, I am aware that even after 6 years of dance lessons, I continue to lack the ability of being coordinated while thrashing around on the dance floor, but I couldn't care less. Well, I did have to vacate the dance floor when the Electric Slide came on...there's just an extra beat in that song that I can't seem to comprehend! But it was a wonderful night of good food, friends, laughter, dancing, and celebration.

And then I had another fantastic weekend at home! I've already mentioned the book fair, but did I also mention the largest rummage sale in NJ was also the same weekend??? It was a little difficult to remain standing after rummaging for several hours due to the fact that I spent the previous day packing up Brendan from college and driving home from 5:30-2:30 (pm to am if you were wondering), but after a quick lie-down in the grassy parking lot while my friends and I showed off our spoils, I was good to go! And when I say "go" I mean literally go...exit the rummage sale while I still had enough energy to remain conscious enough to drive myself home.

It was a great weekend filled with lots of friend time, some bro-sis bonding over witty action adventure movies (because who didn't go see Avenger's: Age of Ultron??), and cooking. So obviously leaving to return to Ohio was a little emotionally difficult.

But I can manage because (drum roll please....) I am once again returning to NJ for the summer. It may seem like this was a no-brainer and of course I would be returning home, but actually a lot of thought went into this decision. I really enjoy my job out here; even though I am constantly out of my comfort zone, I'm beginning to see (Let's here a big "finally!" from God...) how I am being used out here, and as frustrating as it can be to live away from my family and friends, I know there is something, well, bigger going on out here that I can really comprehend. So with all that said, it can be very difficult to feel like this is a home away from home when all of my friends live anywhere but Ohio. That's not to say I haven't built relationships out here, but it has yet to feel like it does when I come home to NJ. But I really didn't see the point in staying out here for the summer without a job just for the sake of being out here (of course, it was much easier to come to that realization after I processed that with a million different people...thanks guys), so I made the decision to take advantage of the gift God is trying to give me and have a summer vacation where I want to be.

There's quite a lot to be done at work before it is officially summer for me (and the fact that its been over 85 degrees out here every day this week isn't helping!!) but its so exciting knowing a break is coming.

I would like to ask for your prayers though. Although it may seem like my life is perfect and everything is working out wonderfully (I know, its hard to believe that its not because obviously I always appear to have everything together and am not a spaz...please see above picture of me slapping one of my students if you need a reminder that I actually am...), there are a lot of transitions coming up that I don't have solutions for, and that is weighing quite heavily on my mind. So just lift me up, lay your proverbial hands on me, keep me in your thoughts, whatever christian-ese saying you like best, as long as you talk to Jesus about me...for the prayers of a righteous man avails much!! (how's that for a christian-ese saying? When's the last time you said "avails much" in a normal sentence?)

***side note: I got one of the lowest scores in my Computer Applications class at Central, particularly during our typing lessons. So yeah, I stink at typing. I know you will probably find lots of typos and errors, and yes, I know they are there. They're like my amish quilts...the amish always leave mistakes in their quilts on purpose to symbolize that God is perfect and we can't light a candle to Him. So read my typos in all of their glory, and remember, God is perfect :)