September 12, 2012

You Know What They Say...

What should I say? Sometimes it feels like I need to have an amazing thought or an epiphany of some kind in order to blog. What if I just had some questions?

What if I just rambled on and on and on?

What if I could reach someone else through my ramblings?

Most times I search for blog entries of women in similar circumstances as me, looking for advice, encouragement, and to be honest, answers. But who's lives are ever the same? And who ever has the perfect answers that we need?

None of the blogs I read are similar at all. Its easy for me to lump these women into categories and group them into what I would call "similar" life circumstances, but if I ever met them in real life, I'm sure they would be appalled at my assumptions about their lives. And to quote my all time favorite tv show "You know what they say when you assume?" "No, what do they say?" "Well…you…shouldn't." "Clever."

I assume that these women have their lives together, and sit back in the glow of a sunset, reminiscing over the days events, and type up eloquent summaries of the day, loading artsy pictures they have easily taken throughout their day (because they are all skilled photographers), and happily type all of these events up, post their blog, then continue on into their evenings, that are probably filled with all sorts of wonderful things. 

They would probably laugh, then have to run after their children to put them to bed, or begin a work assignment they left until the last minute, or spend their only spare moments of the day to clean or fold the leaning tower of laundry that has piled up in the laundry room. That'd be nice because it would mean we were actually peers. 

Not that I have my own children to chase, or that I even have a full-time job that would require me to bring assignments home, but it would mean they were normal. That they were only sitting at the computer, writing about their lives, to escape for a few moments and let their creative juices flow into the world wide web and try to write something that might be able to encourage someone. Not that I'm claiming that I encourage anyone with my "writing." I don't know if it helps writing in a private journal or on a public blogging site, but it does help me process what is going on in my life when I can take a moment and assess whats happening around me. And from my blog entry history, that doesn't seem to happen too often.


The good news is my journal has never been fuller (More full? At it's fullest? Whatevs...). I have written more in the last 3 months than I have since January. Know what that means? That I'm dealing with my problems, sitting down and writing about what I'm thinking/feeling/dreading/hoping/weeping/anticipating, instead of what I would normally do and thats check out with a good book or an episode of the aforementioned Gilmore Girls. I am dealing with things.

I know, I know, its like I'm growing up. Well, I did just turn 26. Thats a big deal, you know. Instant adult, just add coffee.